One Mom's Personal Journey...Back To Herself!

R2.5 VLCD 26 149.2 Catching Up!
I am still here. I never made it to my 148.2 goal. I was so mentally tortured about it for a few days. I started having a rough time last week. On Monday I was yellow and my hair was shedding. I think I may have reached either immunity or a plateau.

I kept on going but I have been hungry and it has been hard not to eat more. I went back up to 150lbs one day. I have been down a bit the last two days. TOM is here now. I am taking a break from injections. I think after TOM I may try for another week to drop a bit more. If I can't I will just go into P3. Doing 5k training is tough in P2.

I just started week 4 of 5k training. Today was the first day it was challenging. The interval was: run for 4 min walk for 1 min - repeat 5 times. I had to push myself to get through it but I did it. I enjoy working out again!

Lauren started preschool on Monday and I was relieved and elated at how well she did. She did not cry when we left and seems to like her teacher. She asked to go back again. In the picture - she insisted on carrying her backpack all by herself with no help!!

Adjusting to the structure will be interesting. When we arrived all the children were seated quietly around a table eating breakfast. My husband leaned over to me and whispered "how do they get them to do that???"

We told Lauren we were going shopping to buy her a big chocolate chip cookie and she could stay and play with the kids and we would bring her cookie back. I looked up and there were about 10 kiddies looking at me with the "cookie???" face. You know the one with big round puppy eyes?? I thought, "Doh! rookie, don't say cookie in a room full of preschoolers!!!".

I went to the gym to workout with my husband when Lauren was at preschool. It felt wierd. We haven't worked out together since I was pregnant. I'm glad that we did though because it helped me deal with my anxiety. I almost cracked and cried once but I bucked up.....until I got back in the car anyway. :)
6 Responses
  1. Meli Says:

    I hear ya my yellow hairshedding sister! I'm sorry you didn't reach your 148.2 lb goal. Doing exercise on P2 is TOUGH!!! I think that might actually make us plateau also. And needless to say, it makes us hungry! More power to ya though. Congrats on preschool! She looks adorable! Very happy! You must be proud! :)

  2. helderheid Says:

    Oh that picture is adorable!! You're so cute. Of course you cried a little. :) Our babies are growing up. Eeek!

    Sorry you didn't make your goal, but you're darn close! I can't imagine working out on P2 like you!

  3. K Says:

    I think you made the right decision - you know your body best. I'm trying to picture you yellow - I guess you mean jaundice I think.

    It must be really hard to be on P2 with doing the exercise too. So don't fret about it. It's the right choice. The fact that you hit the 140's is awesome.

    Your daughter is such a cutie-petootie. I remember those days and I have just one more to go through. I cried the two times before and I'm sure I will next time.

  4. Lyn Says:

    It sound like you've done really well with the weight loss! I don't know much about hcg, but being yellow doesn't sound good. Liver issues maybe? Anyway I just wanted to stop by and see how you've been, and let you know I am rooting for you and hoping everything works out well for your health :)

    Cute kiddo too!

  5. K Says:

    Hey lady,
    How is it going...
    Just wanted to let you know that I left a *Versatile Blogger Award* for you on my blog.

  6. Hi...where are you? Two weeks and no check in? Miss you...