One Mom's Personal Journey...Back To Herself!

R2 VLCD 7 151 Hucog Again!
I have had a busy week but wanted to do a quick update. I started on Hucog again last Saturday. I had taken 5 days off after 20 inj of Ovidac and then TOM. I did sneak in a couple of no no's before starting again - but I didn't load. I had couple of cheater meals- sushi and Thai food. I'm not sure how I should label my days now??

I started at 155.8 and this morning I was at 151. So I lost inches with Ovidac and as soon as I started Hucog again my weight went down about 4 lbs in a week.  I'm still focused with a vengeance on 148 which will put me at a total of 50 lbs lost and will kick that BMI "overweight" label square in the arse.

Having these milestones in mind is keeping me on track. Especially when my husband took us to a "Five Guys" burgers last week. I didn't order anything I just compulsively crunched on my chopped "apples a la ziploc" while I walked through the line. I tasted two bites of his and it was really good. Mean!!!

I noticed for the second time that taking Lauren swimming makes me stall for a day. Not sure if it is the chlorine or just water retention. Anyway, we have been having some summer fun with cousins and neighbors- finally the weather is warmer. We also have our plastic pool out back and we have been doing a lot of chalk drawing and bubbles.....I know- soooo exciting.
5 Responses
  1. lavenderdiva Says:

    WooHOO to kicking the BMI in the arse! You are so close, and will make it in no time! I can't imagine what reaction you could be experiencing from the swimming, but it sure seems to be something. I haven't heard of that before. Are you in the sun while she is swimming? Maybe too much sun? Dr. Simeons does caution about taking too much sun while on the protocol, as it causes you to retain fluids; maybe that could be it?

  2. helderheid Says:

    I was going to say the same thing as LD about the sun. That could be stalling you!

  3. Ha ha...always thinking. I was at an indoor pool. My body reacts to a lot of things so I'm thinking it's the chlorine. Or running around on the "river" in the pool with exertion to muscles???

  4. K Says:

    Not sure what you should label the days now because it's not *exactly* a planned interruption as per the protocol but you know what? I don't think it really matters because you're back on P2 strict now. Then if you do P3 carefully, you will stabilize.

    I envy you having the bubble time and the chalk time with your daughter. I have three so it's hard to focus on just one at a time. It sounds so simple but
    it's play time that your child will simply remember as "mommy time" and that as you know means the world to them.

    You're sooooo close to 148. You'll see it in no time. I am starting P3 now after kicking the spray to the curb. Damn thing - I think the ebay seller cooked it up in his basement. God knows what's in it. But even though I don't measure my inches lost I think I have lost more inches this round. I bought a Nygard trench coat today at 70% off and a size 14 fit perfectly. I looked in the mirror and actually thought I looked pretty hot. Yahoo.

  5. Lol...thanks Kathryn. I think it is important too. That's why I'm not going back to work until summmer is over! I'm so happy you are doing well and you look hot in your new trench coat. I think it's just a matter of moving forward and not looking back!